Book Review: Welcome to Hollyhock Farm

Synopsis My Thoughts This is book 1 in the series. I was fortunate enough to get an ARC copy of this book from NetGalley, but due to being behind with my reading I decided to buy and listen to the Audiobook. I just love books narrated by Karen Cass! Author Bio Georgina Troy writes bestsellingContinue reading “Book Review: Welcome to Hollyhock Farm”

Audiobook Review: Trouble in Paradise

Synopsis Review Author Bio Portia MacIntosh is the bestselling author of over 20 romantic comedy novels. From disastrous dates to destination weddings, Portia’s romcoms are the perfect way to escape from day to day life, visiting sunny beaches in the summer and snowy villages at Christmas time. Whether it’s southern Italy or the Yorkshire coast,Continue reading “Audiobook Review: Trouble in Paradise”

Audiobook Review: Faking It

Synopsis Review Author Bio Portia MacIntosh is the bestselling author of over 20 romantic comedy novels. From disastrous dates to destination weddings, Portia’s romcoms are the perfect way to escape from day to day life, visiting sunny beaches in the summer and snowy villages at Christmas time. Whether it’s southern Italy or the Yorkshire coast,Continue reading “Audiobook Review: Faking It”

Audiobook Review: Shout Out to my Ex

I would like to thank NetGalley, Boldwood Books and Sandy Barker for giving me this book in return for an honest review. My thoughts about this book are in no way influenced by the fact that it was a gift. I ended up wanting to enjoy this story sooner than I had time to readContinue reading “Audiobook Review: Shout Out to my Ex”

Book Review: Ex in the City

Synopsis Review Author Bio Portia MacIntosh is the bestselling author of over 20 romantic comedy novels. From disastrous dates to destination weddings, Portia’s romcoms are the perfect way to escape from day to day life, visiting sunny beaches in the summer and snowy villages at Christmas time. Whether it’s southern Italy or the Yorkshire coast,Continue reading “Book Review: Ex in the City”